Women routed (“enrutadas”) with the Peace Agreement

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Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres
informe acuerdo ruta

Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres presented its fourth report on the progress of gender measures in the Peace Agreement, “Mujeres Enrutadas en la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz 2021: 5 años remando contra corriente. Advances and Challenges of the gender approach in the territories, for the fulfilment of the Agenda and the SDGs”.

The report seeks to highlight the challenges faced in the implementation of the Peace Agreement in the last 5 years and to make visible some recommendations that are transmitted to the institutional framework to promote compliance with the truth, justice and guarantees of non-repetition, especially for women and girls in Colombia.

Findings until December 2021 were highlighted on some points of the Peace Agreement such as: the Comprehensive Rural Reform, political participation, the end of the conflict, the solution to the problem of illicit drugs, victims, implementation, verification and endorsement, which indicate the progress and challenges for women, especially in the territories cover by the Territorial Approach Development Programme (PDET) .

For Marina Gallego, National Coordinator of Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres, “In this report we present a compilation of the main advances, challenges of the first 5 years of the Peace Agreement implementation, as an opportunity to make adjustments from a new government that arrives with the commitment to prioritise implementation over the next 4 years.

Check the infographic of the report here:

Check the full report here: